Master Naturalist
The mission of the Lindheimer chapter (Comal County) is to develop a corps of well-trained Master Volunteers to provide education, outreach and service dedicated toward the beneficial management of natural areas and resources within their communities for the State of Texas.
We are passionately committed to serving as stewards of our natural world, protecting and preserving it for generations to come. Since founding in 2000, Lindheimer Chapter Texas Master Naturalist™, members have contributed over 240,000 Volunteer Hours to Comal County and the inhabitants of the Texas Hill Country! In 2022, we had 225 members (includes 30 in training) who contributed 19,575 Volunteer Hours and earned 2,423 Advanced Training Hours.
Our chapter trains a class of new members each year, beginning with an orientation meeting in January. The course consists of 12 monthly classes, several field trips, a class project, and opportunities to volunteer in many locations and areas of interest: birding, geology, wildflowers, aquatic life, butterflies, invasive species management, bats, education, and paleontology, to name a few. Classes are curriculum based, with interesting speakers. Graduation will be held in December.
We make a difference in Comal County, and we hope you’ll join us. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Certified Texas Master Naturalist, let us know! Our monthly meetings are open to the public and we encourage you to attend, learn, get to know us and be inspired to join us! To learn more about the Texas Master Naturalists and our chapter, please visit our website at: