Latest Past Events

Health Talk Express

New Braunfels Public Library 700 E. Common St., New Braunfels

CHOLESTEROL MATTERS: Be Heart Healthy Join Amanda at the date and time below to talk about the importance of keeping cholesterol levels in a healthy range. This program is FREE but registration is required. Please register at the link below.

Sun Safety & Hydration

Mammen Family Public Library 131 Bulverde Crossing, Bulverde

Get ready for the summer months by joining Amanda and others for a presentation on sun safety! In this educational session, we'll learn about skin cancer risk factors, warning sings, screening and detection, and how you can reduce your risk. We'll also learn some tips on staying hydrated while you're out in the sun. Attendees will get to take home a UV-reactive bead that can be used as an indicator of UV exposure. This program is provided in collaboration with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service in Comal... Read More →

Pecan Field Day

Comal Pecan Farm 231 High Creek Road, New Braunfels

Pecan Field Day (Pecan Management Program) This program will provide producers and homeowners with management options to assist them with their orchards and yard trees. $25 Registration, Lunch is included Please call by May 6 to register, 830-620-3440. 2 CEUs - 1 IPM, 1 Rules & Regs *Please bring a lawn chair as this event will take place in the orchard.
