Meet your Agriculture and Natural Resources agent! Check out his programs and some helpful resources below.
Jason Mangold
Agriculture and Natural Resources agent
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
325 Resource Drive | New Braunfels, Texas 78132
Phone: 830-620-3440 |
ANR Programs in Comal County
- Owning your piece of Comal County – New landowners will learn to manage their land appropriately through conservation, soil health, and water management. They will gain knowledge and skills needed to manage their land effectively, creating more resilient and sustainable communities while protecting our natural resources for future generations. New landowners may also be able to generate income through agricultural production, such as fruit and vegetable production or livestock grazing.
- Water Protection Plan – Our goal is water conservation through effective education and programing for the whole house, inside and outside. Texas is outgrowing our water sources, and we are seeing the water level drop in our water supply. We will teach about efforts in conserving water in the house, in the lawn and landscaping, while also teaching about water capture opportunities when we do receive rain.
- Comal County Fair/Ag Literacy Plan – The Ag Literacy/Awareness program targets elementary students and teachers, K-5 grades, providing educational components in support materials for Science of Agriculture including an Ag Day/Ag Fair field trip, pre- and post-tests, teacher evaluations, recognition certificates as well as information about 4-H opportunities for the participants and parents. Be sure to visit us at the Comal County Fair every year at the end of September for these amazing opportunities.
- Comal Master Gardener/Naturalist Volunteers – The Comal County Master Gardener & Naturalist Programs are volunteer development programs administered by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. They are designed to increase the availability of education, outreach and service dedicated toward the beneficial management of horticultural and natural areas and provide resources within their communities for the State of Texas. Both groups have their own board of directors, committees, and training classes. To learn more about these volunteer groups, please visit our website links below.
- Comal Master Gardeners:
Texas Master Naturalists-Lindheimer chapter:
- Comal Master Gardeners:
For more information about the programs above, please contact Jason at 830-620-3440 or
To stay up to date with all of our latest programs and events, subscribe to our newsletter using the link below.
Comal County, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Newsletter.
- Aggie Horticulture – Aggie Horticulture serves the people of Texas with research-based information about horticultural crops ranging from fruits and nuts to ornamentals, viticulture, and wine.
- Aggie Turf – Aggie Turf is designed to be a comprehensive site for Texas turf grasses, selection & management considerations, pest control (weeds, insects, & diseases), links to Texas A&M AgriLife Extension content, and other useful information.
- Deer in the Urban Landscape
- Oak Wilt Answers
- Plant Answers